Welcome to SM Travels and Holidays. Before you continue, please read this disclaimer about our website:
Information Accuracy: We try our best to give accurate information, but we can’t guarantee it’s always perfect. Check the details yourself before making any decisions.
External Links: Sometimes we link to other websites. We don’t control them, so we’re not responsible for what they do. Be careful when you visit them.
Travel Info: The travel details we provide might change. It’s a good idea to double-check with the airlines, hotels, or other services before you plan your trip.
Booking and Transactions: We help you book trips, but we’re not responsible for what happens during your travel. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the services you’re booking.
Limits on Responsibility: We try to do our best, but we can’t be responsible if something goes wrong when you use our website or services.
Changes to Terms: We might change this disclaimer sometimes. If you keep using our website, you agree to the latest version.
If you have any questions, you can email us at smtravels.holidays@gmail.com.
Last updated: 23-05-2024